(And Why Self-care Isn’t The Solution)

This post is lovingly sponsored by Better Together, my signature online retreat that supports entrepreneurs to recover from burnout and reignite the love affair with their business. For more information click here.

Entrepreneurship is often romanticized as the ultimate path to freedom, creativity, and wealth. And while it can certainly offer these rewards, the reality is that entrepreneurship is also a path paved with long hours spent learning and adjusting, and the potential for burnout that comes with devoting yourself to mastery over time – through all the highs and lows of the journey.

As an entrepreneur, you’re the driving force behind your brand and business. You’re responsible for everything from developing your offer to marketing it to managing finances and everything in between (particularly in the early stages of growth). It’s a lot to handle, and with a constant and never-ending push from society to be more, have more, and do more with our lives and businesses it’s no wonder that burnout is a common experience for many entrepreneurs.


Entrepreneurship is often glamorized as an exciting and lucrative way to create the life you want, but it also has a dark side. Burnout is a very real and common experience for entrepreneurs that can leave you feeling exhausted, unfulfilled, and disconnected from your business.

Here are some common signs and symptoms of burnout in entrepreneurs:

1. Lack of motivation and energy: You may feel like you’re just going through the motions and lack the drive and passion you once had for your business.
2. Feeling overwhelmed and anxious: There is always more to do in entrepreneurship, and it can be easy to feel like you’re constantly behind.
3. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. Difficulty sleeping and chronic fatigue: 
4. Burnout can take a physical toll on your body, making it hard to get a good night’s sleep or feel rested throughout the day. Increased cynicism and negativity: You may find yourself becoming more negative and critical, both of yourself and others, as burnout takes hold.
5. Reduced creativity and problem-solving skills: Burnout can zap your creativity and make it harder to come up with new ideas and solutions to problems.


It’s easy to assume that burnout is simply a result of working too hard and not taking enough breaks. And while those factors certainly play a role, the real reason for chronic entrepreneurial burnout often runs deeper – much deeper than many of us are prepared to journey.

In many cases, burnout is actually a messenger of deep misalignment with your offer, your brand, and or your business growth tactics.


It’s no secret that there are a ton of “make money online” coaches and strategists promising to have the one and only blueprint that will finally take you to sexy six-figure success. (You know the kind of success that belongs on an Instagram feed with a champagne bottle and celebration balloons.)

It’s so easy to get caught up in the excitement and buy into the idea that there’s a one-size-fits-all solution to building a successful business. However, the truth is a whole lot less exciting.

There is no magic secret to building a thriving, fully-booked business that supports your dreams and desires.

And the harsh reality is that following someone else’s success formula to the letter does not guarantee your success either.

The problem is, that clever marketers who understand the psychology of desire are fantastic at keeping you stuck on the treadmill. Always chasing. The next guru, the next blueprint, or the latest new social media channel that has to be the secret to having your business blow up in the most incredible way.

The problem with this is that the more we chase strategies and success blueprints the more we start and stop with our momentum – and the more disheartened we feel when things don’t work out as promised. Queue the course and program burnout and frustration.

The truth is that when we get sidelined from our own natural and intuitive wisdom within the body and start looking desperately to others for answers outside of us, we lose touch with our unique path, values and innate genius.

We become fixated with hunting for the perfect strategy, jumping from one guru to the next, instead of learning the principles behind success in business and finding strategies and puzzle pieces that we can plug in that fit who we are and will take us down the journey of success with far more alignment and ease than we could imagine.

When you’re building your business according to someone else’s blueprint for success, you may end up feeling like a fish trying to climb a tree. You may be implementing strategies that don’t align with your natural strengths and abilities, or you may be offering something that doesn’t truly light you up. This misalignment can create a sense of dissonance within yourself and your business, leading to burnout and a lack of motivation to keep going.

Side note: That’s why inside the Flourish Business Academy, we don’t just teach one strategy for business growth. We teach the principles behind success in business and give you the puzzle pieces required to build your own masterpiece in offer development and marketing that is completely aligned with you. Curious? Hit the message button on the bottom right and hit me up with the word FLOURISH and I’ll send over the deets.

By connecting with your intuition and values, you’ll be able to create a business that is not only successful but also fulfilling and sustainable in the long run.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to building a successful business – and there’s no prize for becoming a carbon copy of someone else. The world doesn’t need another Marie Forleo or Gary V. The world needs a YOU. This requires that you embrace your uniqueness and have the courage to experiment and create a business that truly aligns with who you are.


Many entrepreneurs turn to self-care as a solution to burnout. They add bubble baths, exercise, and journaling to their schedules in an attempt to recharge and stay motivated. While these activities can certainly be helpful, they aren’t always enough to address the root cause of burnout.

In fact, feeling pressure to add a hundred “self-care” activities to your schedule can actually increase overwhelm and burnout. If you’re building your business in a way that overrides your body and misaligns with your natural strengths and expression of authenticity, no amount of bubble baths will soothe your soul. Instead, it’s important to look at the bigger picture and realign your business with your values and strengths.


Wanna know something interesting that I understand after studying marketing for more than 7 years?

Every single strategy that you can think of to grow a successful business works. (When you apply it in the greater context of the principles behind successful business building.)

Low ticket offers are selling.

High ticket offers are selling.

Mid-ticket offers are rocking. Funnels work.

Old-school networking events work.

Webinar sales rock.

Social selling works.

Social-media-less businesses are thriving.

Heck – standing naked at a traffic light with flyers promoting your business might even work if you’re okay with getting arrested every so often.

There is no one size fits all – and the biggest secret to success is following one course with consistency until you reach your goals. Any one of these vehicles can take you there if you’re prepared to learn, grow and do the work, but it’s up to you to find what works for you and your unique strengths and abilities.

One of the keys to avoiding burnout and building a sustainable business is to focus on your strengths. When you build your business around your natural abilities and interests, everything you do will feel more aligned and fulfilling. You’ll be more motivated to show up every day and put in the consistent effort required to build a flourishing business.

Another important factor to consider is your values. When you’re building a business that aligns with your values, it will feel more meaningful and purposeful. You’ll be more motivated to keep going even when the going gets tough.


So, how do you realign your business for success? Start by taking a step back and evaluating your current offer and growth tactics. Are you offering something that truly lights you up? Are you using growth tactics that align with your natural strengths and abilities? If not, it may be time to make some changes.

onsider pivoting your offer to something that better aligns with your interests and strengths. Or, focus on growth tactics that feel more natural to you. For example, if you’re an introverted entrepreneur, you may find that networking events drain your energy. Instead, you could focus on building relationships online or through one-on-one meetings instead. This discovery process is an intimate one, and it’s the foundation for how we start to build a business in our own flavor of effortless.


I know firsthand how entrepreneurial burnout can feel. I started my business many moons ago relying heavily on organic social media marketing because I loved the idea of being paid to post my thoughts and feelings online. Creating content online was something I was insanely passionate about and it was magical to me that I could connect with clients online and build relationships from anywhere in the world thanks to platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It was so easy for me to be consistent with this style of marketing because I loved it. It came naturally to me – and I credit this for my success using these channels.

But over time, something shifted. Marketing on social media started to feel draining, and I fell into a pattern of resistance around showing up online in this way. I tried changing surface-level things, like posting less frequently and taking a break from social media, to reignite my love affair with social media marketing. But the reality was that my values had shifted and what once lit me up no longer aligned with my marketing strategy.

I realized that my values around privacy and slow living were no longer aligned with a marketing strategy that required constant content creation and online engagement. So, I made the decision to pivot my offers and marketing strategies towards building deeper connections with my clients in a more personalized and slower-paced way. The result? I felt the excitement for my business returning again and I booked clients regardless of the fact that my strategy had shifted.

The lesson? Just because a strategy, offer suite or product worked for you before doesn’t mean it’s right for you right now. Knowing how to pivot is essential for your success in business – and it’s okay to let go of the stuff that no longer feels aligned. This is your official permission slip to do that.


Entrepreneurial burnout is a real and serious issue that can impact every aspect of your life. While self-care can be helpful, it’s not always enough to address the root cause. By focusing on alignment with your values, strengths, and natural abilities, you can build a sustainable business that feels fulfilling and energizing, and avoid the pitfalls of burnout.

Remember, your business is a reflection of who you are, and it’s up to you to build it in a way that aligns with your unique strengths and values. By being honest with yourself and willing to pivot when necessary, you can build a business that feels truly aligned and sustainable for the long-term.


Here are some of my favorite reflection questions from today’s topic:

* What growth tactics have I been using that feel out of alignment with my values and strengths? How can I shift my approach to better align with my authentic self?

* Have my priorities or values shifted since I started my business? How can I adjust my strategy and offer to reflect these changes?

* What would my ideal business strategy look like if it were fully aligned with my values and strengths? How can I work towards creating that vision?

* How can I ensure that my self-care practices truly support my well-being and align with my personal values and goals?

* What small changes can I make to my daily routine to better support my overall well-being and help me stay focused on my unique strengths and values as an entrepreneur?

Meet The Author

I am a luxury business strategist and writer with an Italian cappuccino fetish and a 3-day work-week. With a personal love for indulgence and the finer things in life, I’ve seamlessly blended my passion for dissecting profitable businesses with the art of curating a life of pleasure. My obsession? Unraveling the DNA of success and happiness while teaching you how to beautifully disrupt the norm by crafting a business and life that you can’t wait to wake up to on a Monday morning.



1) Discover more free content on how to make more, work less, and live your dreamiest life by visiting The Champagne Lounge blog here.

2) Get access to my latest self-study program, The Elevated Business Experience, and discover 6-weeks of self-paced content designed to support you to raise your standards, elevate your revenue, and experience more play, pleasure, and freedom in your business journey.

3) Work with me privately to rapidly accelerate your results by applying to join The Inner Circle. This high-touch, high-proximity container is your vehicle for doubling your revenue, cutting back your hours, and turning your business into your dream lifestyle fulfillment machine.

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