Ready To Set The Rest Of Your Year Up For More Peace, Profit And Passion? This Is For You

Welcome back to another episode of The Champagne Diaries. As we stand just beyond the halfway mark of the year, I invite you to join me on a journey of introspection and renewal. Nestled in the southern hemisphere, where winter’s embrace slows the rhythm of nature, I’m reminded of the profound beauty in pausing, reflecting, and recalibrating. Just as the natural world takes a breath before the vibrant energy of spring, we too can embrace this opportunity to perform what I fondly refer to as a “mid-year reset.”

Today’s letter will breathe a breath of fresh air into the middle of your year regardless of where you are on your journey and support you to recalibrate to the most vibrant, prosperous, and peaceful version of your life and business.

So if you’re feeling stuck, and uninspired or simply in need of a little refresh to infuse new energy into your goals, this is for you.


That fresh feeling of a new year is a magical kind of energy where we rest in anticipation of what this brand-new year holds for us.

But the truth is that this energy isn’t confined to the start of a new year – and you can create this fresh start feeling in your life and business anytime that you choose to do so.

Sometimes we choose to slow down, pause, and reflect on our journeys to recalibrate to our next level, but more often than not, as entrepreneurs on a mission to conquer the world, we’re often forced to slow down.

Be it illness, an accident, or burnout, most entrepreneurs do not choose to slow down until something leaves them with no choice but to do so.

In my own journey, this realization struck me in the midst of a season of intense project work. I was on a trajectory for gorgeous productivity but my body had other plans.

A gentle nudge from life encouraged me to reevaluate my goals, priorities, and approach. It was during this juncture that I recognized the value of the mid-year reset—an intentional pause to ensure that what I was building was ultimately a future in alignment with what mattered to me – not blindly pursuing arbitrary deadlines and generic success markers because we’re told that this is the only flavor of success that matters.

So today, I want to support you to slow down in order to speed up. To reflect on what’s working, what’s not, and what really matters at the end of it all so you can step into the second half of this year with more clarity and purpose than ever before.

Without further ado, let’s dig into the Mid-Year Reset Process.


There are 4 seasons that make up my Mid-Year Reset Process.

You can work through these seasons or themes in a day, in a week, or in a weekend.

You may find a desire to linger a little longer on some areas of your reset. Honor your intuitive nudges and trust the process.

If at all possible, I highly recommend that you journey through this process in an unfamiliar space. This could mean taking yourself out into nature – or away to a beautiful hotel and resort. Maybe at this stage in your journey, this means visiting a new coffee shop to journey through this process.

My preference is to be away from work, in nature, in a new space.

New spaces have a funny way of supporting us to see things from an entirely new perspective.

They help us to think beyond the version of us that we know – and peak into the realms of what’s truly possible for us.


Phase one of our mid-year reset is all about rest. I’m a firm believer that before we can see our present situation and next steps clearly, we must be in a space of internal alignment. You see, the version of us that’s depleted, burnt-out, and too busy to breathe is not the version of us that leads us to a life and business of ease, wealth, and play. We cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it.

So we have to embody, the version of us we wish to carry into the rest of the year.

This means taking time out to rest. To recover. To heal. To play.

To allow work to fade to the periphery of our minds, even if just for a day.

There was a time in my journey when this looked like only being able to take off a single afternoon.

And I trusted that this was enough.

Sometimes your body and soul call for a deeper rest.

An inner winter.

This could look like a weekend away – or even a sabbatical.

We want to treat this time as a time to find our way back into a vibration of ease, joy, play, and peace.

Your goal is joy in all that you do with this time.

Because this is the space where the magic happens.


The second phase of my reset is dedicated to reflection. Once I am well rested, and feeling more ease washing over me – I am ready to do the work.

In this phase, I give thought to my life and business, to the things that are working, and the things that aren’t. I allow myself to daydream impossible dreams. I connect with the version of me that is calibrated to a higher level of success in all areas of my life.

I journal, I daydream, and I build vision boards to honor this next-level me that is slowly emerging.

I contemplate what it’s time to release in my life and business.

I contemplate what feels heavy on my heart.

I think about the places in my life and business where I need to forgive and release.

I think about who I desire to be when I am away from the hustle and bustle of the online world and other people’s opinions.

And there I find myself.


Once I have completed my reflections it’s time to shift gears into action.

I make the plans and take the actions that are required to allow me to shift gears into the reality and business I desire to experience.

Sometimes, this means making little decisions.

Sometimes, this means making large, life-changing ones too.

As I return from my sabbatical I like to anchor in all the emotions, visions, and thoughts that I have processed by practically resetting my space.

This can look like a deep cleaning of your home and office space.

It can look like decluttering and letting go of old stagnant things and energies.

This can look like paying attention to your body.

Changing your hair color.

Finally booking that massage – or changing up your wardrobe.

The goal here is to pivot, one degree and micro change at a time into the life and business we’ve dreamed up during our mid-year reset.

What needs to change in your physical reality to support this new version of you?

Can you allow yourself to take uncomfortable action and align with this new identity?


Once the reset phase is complete, almost like magic, I am filled with a renewed sense of energy. My excitement starts to return. Inspiration comes in waves. I have created space to receive this new energy. All that’s left to do is ride the waves of inspiration that come your way and honor your creative nudges by taking intentional action. Use this energy to build and sustain what you desire to create in the next phase of the year – and feel free to come back to these practices whenever you need them.


Sometimes, the best medicine is slowing down to speed up. You have the power to create a new start whenever you choose. Without winter, there is no springtime.


Here are some of my favorite reflection questions from today’s topic:

* Where am I being invited to slow down, reflect and reset? How could this process support me to calibrate to my next level of success in life and business?

* How can I carve out time to complete my own mid-year reset? What would this look like? How would it feel to set aside time to nourish myself in this way?

* Where have I previously ignored my body’s signs that it is time to slow down? How can I honor this urge without waiting for circumstances to force me to slow down and turn inward?

Meet The Author

I am a luxury business strategist and writer with an Italian cappuccino fetish and a 3-day work-week. With a personal love for indulgence and the finer things in life, I’ve seamlessly blended my passion for dissecting profitable businesses with the art of curating a life of pleasure. My obsession? Unraveling the DNA of success and happiness while teaching you how to beautifully disrupt the norm by crafting a business and life that you can’t wait to wake up to on a Monday morning.



1) Discover more free content on how to make more, work less, and live your dreamiest life by visiting The Champagne Lounge blog here.

2) Get access to my latest self-study program, The Elevated Business Experience, and discover 6-weeks of self-paced content designed to support you to raise your standards, elevate your revenue, and experience more play, pleasure, and freedom in your business journey.

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