The Psychology Behind Why We Silently Sabotage Our Success In Life And Business

“Humankind is masculine and feminine, not just man or woman. You can hardly say of your soul what sex it is. But if you pay close attention, you will see that the most masculine man has a feminine soul, and the most feminine woman has a masculine soul.” – Carl Jung

I believe that inside of each of us, lives a play of polarities; of masculine and feminine energies.

Masculine and feminine energy are two distinct energies which often exist in a state of duality. Masculine energy is stable, predictable, and characterized by willpower, clarity and focus. It is driven by logic and reason and is often associated with DOING and achieving.

On the other hand, feminine energy is more dynamic and creative, with qualities such as nurturing, refinement, gentleness, and the ability to receive. This energy is more intuitive and is often associated with GIVING and RECEIVING.

There are healthy and unhealthy expressions of both your masculine and feminine energies and how we relate to those energies plays a major role in how we show up in the world, in our relationships and in our businesses.

So today, I want to unpack 3 of the core feminine woundings that could be costing you peace and profit and exactly what to do to shift them so you can experience more ease in your entrepreneurial journey.

Let’s dig right in.


As entrepreneurs, when we’re not connected to a deeply rooted sense of our own self-worth we may find ourselves unconsciously seeking to be loved and validated by others as we show up in the world of business.

This pattern may express itself as a sincere desire to please or serve others – often at the expense of our own well-being and happiness. This wounding occurs when suffering for others – or for ‘the greater good’ becomes internalized as a noble cause.

We call this the martyr or the mother wound because one of the earliest instances that we may have been exposed to operating in this way is through our own mothers. A martyr parent is someone who does an excessive amount for their children out of love, but often at the expense of their own well-being. And as children, we may have internalized the message that in order to be loved, we must ‘suffer’ or that our needs are always secondary to the needs of others.

This creates an unconscious belief in our operating systems that if we are to be loved, we’ll need to put others first – even if it means depleting ourselves in the process.

How to recognize this pattern running in your business:

* Overdelivering to clients while undercharging for your products or services

* People-pleasing behaviour – followed by resentment, anger and frustration as a result of not receiving the love or validation you are unconsciously craving through this interaction

* Going outside of the scope of your services with your clients without charging additional fees for the additional work

* Lacking proper boundaries and having a tendency to ‘submit’ under pressure

* Allowing clients to access your support or products without payment or saying yes to ‘service exchange’ agreements that don’t honour your needs or desires

* Feeling guilty about receiving money or having time to rest and receive

* Stepping into the role of ‘fixing’ and ‘mothering’ clients and team members

* Packing your schedule with appointments, meetings or client sessions without allowing yourself adequate space to rest and recover during your day

A gentle remedy to accelerate your peace and profit:

* Releasing the belief that you need to suffer for others to be served and choosing to tell a more empowering story: “When I am giving from a full cup, I am able to give so much more”

* Noticing where you feel resentment and gently taking action to remedy any areas in your giving and receiving that are not in balance. E.g. Adding a clause to your contract informing clients about any additional charges for out-of-scope work.

* Meditating on the value you bring to the world and understanding that you deserve to be compensated abundantly for your gifts.

* Understanding that healthy boundaries protect your needs so you can serve others more powerfully.

* Focusing on self-appreciation instead of seeking validation from others.

Your Mantras:

Filling my cup is an act of high service to all those I encounter on my journey.

It is safe to give and receive in balance.


The Visibility or ‘Witch Wound’ refers to an unconscious collective fear of being seen or expressing yourself in a public way. As human beings, we have a natural desire to want to be accepted by our ‘tribe’ and community. In our earlier history being ousted from the tribe in which we lived meant certain death – as humans relied on their community in order to survive harsh, wild conditions.

This means that, for many of us, we have unconsciously internalized fear around owning the full expression of who we are and the gifts we are here to bring to the world of business.

We unconsciously fear that if we own our full expression, we may say the wrong thing – and be ousted – or even attacked by our communities.

This is the visibility wound in action.

Others like to refer to this wounding as the witch wound – aptly named after the events of the Salem witch trials where many women and men were forced to hide their true nature, and even lost their lives as they were wrongfully persecuted and executed for their beliefs, opinions and expressions.

This wounding often expresses itself as an unconscious withholding of your full expression, your gifts and the message that you are here to share with the world as a means of avoiding rejection or persecution.

We as entrepreneurs may find ourselves hesitating to market our businesses online, share our truth or launch our latest offers. We strive to attain impossible levels of perfection before we make our ideas and offers public as a means of hiding our true insecurity. Pursuing perfection then becomes a means of protecting us from public rejection, shame, or perceived failure.

Perfection becomes the means through which we aim to protect ourselves and maintain our identities of being worthy and lovable in the eyes of others.

How to recognize this pattern running in your business:

* Avoiding showing up online or to market your business for fear of saying the wrong thing or facing rejection – or showing up very inconsistently with your public marketing campaigns by showing up, retreating and repeating the process.

* Constantly ‘improving’ projects as opposed to sharing them with the world as a means to avoid the feelings of shame and rejection that could come from putting your work into the world.

* Avoidance of sales and selling – not wanting to fall out of favour with others and instead being a ‘good girl’ (or boy).

* Expressing your message in an overly polished’ way and avoiding real authenticity as a means of building an identity that others will love.

* Avoidance of vulnerability as a leader, mentor and entrepreneur in an effort to build a ‘perfect’ lovable persona.

* Procrastination on launching new offers publically.

A gentle remedy to accelerate your peace and profit:

* Understanding that vulnerability and owning your authenticity is what will set you apart in your market – and attract clients you love to work with.

* Creating a sense of safety around sharing your work with the world. Starting with a small step and building a daily visibility practice (like showing up for your business on the online platform of your choice).

* Releasing the need to perfect offers and products, shifting away from perfection (and fear of imperfection) and into a heart of service with serving others at the forefront of your focus.

* Creating a sense of safety in your own body first through practices like breathwork or meditation.

Your Mantras:

It is safe to express myself.

The world needs a raw leader – not a perfect one


We live in a world that values – and heavily rewards masculine qualities like performance, progress and striving more than values like rest, reflection and intuition.

As a result of this way of operating in society, many men and women will go on to reject their own feminine natures, aiming to operate from their masculine, more societally acceptable natures in order to attain success in the world.

This imbalance disconnects us from accessing so many gifts that our feminine nature holds – like our creativity, and our ability to rest receive and nourish ourselves while we serve others in the world of business.

This wounding can occur when we unconsciously abandon our feminine qualities in an attempt to attain worldly success or in an effort to receive love from a father figure.

This wounding has also been called the Father Wound because it describes the experience of a child who longs for love – and begins to suppress their feminine nature in an effort to become more lovable and to identify with the father figure.

When we reject our feminine nature and ability to receive and nurture we create a disconnect as well as a feeling of being unsafe and unsupported on our journies through life and business. It never feels safe enough for us to receive.

So we overcompensate by over-leveraging our masculine qualities like pushing striving and momentum in order to create a sense of safety. In the process, we often find ourselves feeling burnt-out, out and depleted.

We may find ourselves caught in a cycle of chasing external validation, success, merits and accolades; only to find these experiences unfulfilling. This constant striving often masks a deep need and desire to feel rooted in love, safety and security – which comes as a result of living from both healthy and balanced masculine and feminine energies.

How to recognize this pattern running in your business:

* Feeling a constant need to do more – pushing yourself to the point of burnout.

* Forcing your way through life and business.

* Impatience and lack of trust in the process.

* Chasing empty accolades (and other people’s blueprints for success without really knowing why) and still feeling empty despite external success and achievements.

* Chronic feelings of exhaustion and burnout from over-working without allowing yourself to receive and rest.

* Feeling as though you have something to prove.

* Overriding the body and natural instincts in an attempt to do more.

* Competitive, lack-based energy “I have to push because there’s never enough for me.”

* Rejecting rest and reflection in favour of unhealthy action and momentum.

* Highly self-critical attitude towards your achievements and work.

A gentle remedy to accelerate your peace and profit:

* Alternating periods of intense work with periods of rest and rejuvenation.

* Understanding that rest and reflection will enable you to create an even greater impact .

* Giving yourself credit for what you have already achieved, but also knowing that you are worthy regardless of what you do – or don’t achieve in the world.

* Reminding yourself that there is more than enough abundance for everyone and that there is no need to ‘compete.’

* Redefining success on your own terms.

Your Mantras:

I am open to embracing the fullness of both my masculine and feminine gifts.

I love and accept the fullness of who I am.


When our inner masculine and feminine energies are in balance – we’re able to show up as powerful, raw, and successful entrepreneurs in the world.


Here are some of my favorite reflection questions from today’s topic:

* Which wounding do I most identify with and why?

* Where am I playing in unhealthy expressions of my masculine and feminine energy?

* What are 3 micro-actions I could take to bring these energies back into balance in my life and business?

* What am I afraid of? Can I hold this fear and take action anyway?

* What gifts am I missing out on by rejecting my feminine nature?

* What changes would I like to make that reflect a healthier, balanced way of being in my life and business?

Meet The Author

I am a luxury business strategist and writer with an Italian cappuccino fetish and a 3-day work-week. With a personal love for indulgence and the finer things in life, I’ve seamlessly blended my passion for dissecting profitable businesses with the art of curating a life of pleasure. My obsession? Unraveling the DNA of success and happiness while teaching you how to beautifully disrupt the norm by crafting a business and life that you can’t wait to wake up to on a Monday morning.



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