It’s easier than you think.

This post is lovingly sponsored by Better Together, my signature online retreat that supports entrepreneurs to recover from burnout and reignite the love affair with their business. For more information click here.

Today I want to dive right in and share a question with you that has completely changed the way I approach my business. It’s a simple question that has the power to support you to double your revenue and your joy in business in the next year, and the best part? It’s much easier than you could ever imagine – and it has nothing to do with learning another complicated business growth strategy.


It might seem counterintuitive, but the key to unlocking more profit, joy and fulfillment in your business is to focus on what feels bad. Your pain points and frustrations are powerful indicators of what needs to change in your business. Our discomfort motivates us to seek out solutions and take action. Think of pain like a compass that points you in the direction of your authentic desires. By acknowledging and addressing what feels bad, you can begin to move towards what feels good and authentic to you through this contrast.

So we’ll begin our journey by asking one simple question:

What feels bad right now?

What feels off in my business?

What feels stuck or frustrating as it relates to my life experience?

Where am I procrastinating and in resistance?

I know, it might not sound like the most positive question to ask yourself. (And the law of attraction ‘always think positive club’ is going to hate me for this.) But hear me out. As entrepreneurs, we put so much pressure on ourselves to succeed. We hustle, we grind, we meet ourselves at new levels, all in the name of building a business that gives us the freedom we desire. And sometimes, we get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks that we forget to check in with ourselves and ask how we’re feeling about it all.

Despite all the success we’ve created, something doesn’t quite feel the way we’d hoped it would feel, but we can’t quite put our finger on it.

And the reason we got into business in the first place is to FEEL a certain way.


That’s why this question is so powerful. When you take a moment to ask yourself, “What feels bad right now?” you create space for self-reflection. You give yourself permission to be honest about the things that are causing you stress or frustration. Maybe it’s a client who’s not paying on time, a project that’s not aligned with your values, or a task that you just can’t seem to finish. Whatever it is, acknowledging it is the first step to making things better and figuring out exactly what you want.

When things feel heavy or out of alignment, it’s a sign that something needs to change. Maybe you’re avoiding a particular task or resisting signing new clients. Whatever it is, this pain points you in the direction of your authentic desire. It’s an opportunity to get curious and ask, “What needs to change to get me to where I want to be?”

For example, maybe you’ve been subconsciously resisting signing new clients because your backend feels heavy and in need of a streamline. What feels bad points you to what you want – which is a light, easy client onboarding process that feels tidy and organized. Once you know what you want, you can start to look at what actions you need to take to make it happen and adjust accordingly. 

Regularly asking this question has helped me create some pretty cool results in my business. It’s how I was able to transition to a three day work week, create a program I love to deliver, and build a brand that feels totally aligned with who I am (which is my latest work in progress). In fact, almost every single majorly game-changing decision I’ve made in business came from a place of turning frustration into clarity on what I truly desire from my business experience – and taking action from that space of clarity to create the business and lifestyle I desire. 

Although this question is simple, it’s not always easy to dig deep and honour what comes up for you. Sometimes it’s even harder to make the changes required to move towards your desires (especially when your desires are pointing you down a path that the majority are not walking) – but it is 100% unequivocally always worth it.


So how exactly is this question going to double my revenue in a year?

Hear me out.

If you make it a habit to regularly audit your business by asking questions like “What feels bad right now?” or “What’s not working?” (and then making changes to move towards what you desire) you’ll be moving closer to aligning with the kind of business and lifestyle design blueprint that makes doing the work feel almost effortless.

When you’re running your business in a way that nourishes you rather than depletes you you’re tapped into the energy of joy, overflow and ease. You’re rocking your marketing, your sales and your delivery totally fired up and tapped into your zone of genius.

When you’re joyful and aligned, you’re consistent, and it becomes easy to show up daily to do the work that’s required to scale. This consistency builds massive momentum over time, which is the key secret to creating a wildly profitable and joyful business. (I talk more about this here.)

As far as I’m concerned the best way to leave your competitors in the dust is to love what you do and show up in that energy daily. This energy will carry you through even on the days where you don’t feel like doing the work.


Building a profitable, joyful business isn’t about getting everything right from the get-go. It’s about making tiny 1% improvements consistently. These small changes, over time, have a compounding effect that builds momentum and creates the business and lifestyle you love. It means identifying the areas that are out of alignment and implementing micro (and sometimes macro) changes to find your flow.

Only you can build YOUR dream business.

And it starts with having the courage to look at where things aren’t aligned – and being courageous enough to take action towards what you do want. (Even if the masses are swimming in a totally different direction.)

This is how you build your own flavour of success. The kind of empire that lights you up inside and isn’t built on some archaic idea of what it means to be successful.

And you build this empire one brick, and one change at a time.

Sidebar: Human beings are creatures in constant evolution and it’s vital to ask these questions regularly because what aligns for you during this season of your life may look entirely different than what aligned in a previous season.


Pain is an incredible compass to point you to building a life and business you love when we have the courage to question, get curious, and take action towards creating in alignment with our authentic desires.


Here are some of my favorite reflection questions from today’s topic:

* What feels bad in my business right now?

* What are my pain points telling me about what needs to change?

* How can I make tiny 1% improvements to move towards my authentic desires?

* What action steps can I take to start making these improvements?

* How can I make regular auditing and reflection a part of my business routine?

Meet The Author

I am a luxury business strategist and writer with an Italian cappuccino fetish and a 3-day work-week. With a personal love for indulgence and the finer things in life, I’ve seamlessly blended my passion for dissecting profitable businesses with the art of curating a life of pleasure. My obsession? Unraveling the DNA of success and happiness while teaching you how to beautifully disrupt the norm by crafting a business and life that you can’t wait to wake up to on a Monday morning.



1) Discover more free content on how to make more, work less, and live your dreamiest life by visiting The Champagne Lounge blog here.

2) Get access to my latest self-study program, The Elevated Business Experience, and discover 6-weeks of self-paced content designed to support you to raise your standards, elevate your revenue, and experience more play, pleasure, and freedom in your business journey.

3) Work with me privately to rapidly accelerate your results by applying to join The Inner Circle. This high-touch, high-proximity container is your vehicle for doubling your revenue, cutting back your hours, and turning your business into your dream lifestyle fulfillment machine.

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