Let us explore why emotional regulation holds particular importance for entrepreneurs. As we have discussed in previous letters, true growth occurs at the edge of our comfort zone. To experience substantial revenue growth, expand our client base, and make a greater impact as entrepreneurs, we must be willing to step outside our comfort zones and have the courage to do the things we haven’t done before.
However, venturing beyond our comfort zone often triggers a stress response in our nervous system, leading to heightened emotional reactivity. Naturally, our bodies and minds strive to protect us from the dangerous territory that is the unknown, and the easiest way to do so is by keeping us within familiar and predictable spaces. Our brain perceives the idea of keeping us inside our comfort zone as the most optimal way to keep us alive.
If you’re reading this article you’re not dead yet and you probably realize that this function has served you well. Thanks brain.
Therefore, when we aim to scale our businesses, increase revenue, and enhance our visibility, we must navigate the inevitable discomfort that arises along the way. Without a proper understanding of how to regulate our emotions and find balance in our nervous system, we often find ourselves in highly reactive states, making decisions driven by intense emotions – instead of making decisions based on what is in alignment with our highest values. This can lead us to make neural connections between things that may not support our highest growth in life and business. (For example, getting more visible online feels bad to my body therefore it must be bad for my growth – when in reality, this isn’t the case and it only feels bad because you’re creeping outside your comfort zone.) Knowing how to regulate your emotions as an entrepreneur is so key because, without it, you’ll be trapped in a cycle of making decisions that keep you repeating the same experience loop over and over again instead of breaking through to a new level of success.